Enjoy your beautiful skin this winter!

Winter is a wonderful time of the year - holidays, warm fires, crisp air, and for many, fresh fallen snow.
But the colder temperature and lower humidity affect the condition of your skin.
Having healthy skin during winter is not that difficult as we might think, as neither is impossible. As long as we focus on our entire body (with emphasis on the face, lips and hands), and we do everything in our power to act before the cold weather does, having radiant, fabulous skin during winter can actually be very easy.
When it’s very cold, there is less moisture in the environment. This lack of moisture is compounded by wind, which blows moisture away from the skin, and central heating.

Keeping the skin hydrated at all times, so as to be able to be exposed to extreme temperatures and still look good, has to come from within too. Drinking plenty of water, as well as using a good moisturiser, are two important steps towards keeping our skin healthy and beautiful throughout the year, including a cold season.
Moisturizers work in two ways, using two types of ingredients. There are humectants, such as hyaluronic acid and urea, and occlusive, such as jojoba oil or beeswax. Humectants draw water from the lower levels of the skin – this comes from the water we drink – to rehydrate the upper levels of the skin, while occlusives have a barrier function to help lock in this moisture.

Here are some suggestions for protecting your skin:

1. The skin on your hands is thinner than in other areas of your body, and it needs extra protection and care. Make sure that after washing your hands you dry thoroughly and use a good hand cream. Wearing gloves outdoors will also protect them and keep your skin soft.
2. Elbows, knees, and feet are completely covered in the winter months, and usually forgotten until spring. Clothing and boots can cause friction that creates a buildup of thick skin. A good scrubbing with a natural lofah sponge, followed by a rich cream will remove any problems here.
3. Sun protection is very important in the winter months, just as it is year-round. Many people forget to use sunscreen, but sun reflects off snow and ice, and you can actually get double the sun exposure.
4. Protect your lips with a good lip balm, and avoid licking your lips as much as possible, since that will cause your lips to crack and chap. If your lips chapped or cracked, use a lip balm before bed, and you should be good to go in the morning.
5. Winter winds and low humidity are also hard on your hair, and using a rich, deep hair conditioner is important to restore moisture to your hair.
6. One way to keep your skin in great shape is getting a massage. You don't have to go to a specialist for this: just get out your favorite massage oil and ask a family member to give you a quick massage. Then relax and enjoy the experience and the benefits.

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