Boost your morning energy with delicious liquid breakfast!

When you work in high demanding job, the question what to grab quickly in the morning would be at bay. We usually skip our breakfast or tend to have a coffee. And then about lunch time, feel tiered and low of energy. Sound familiar?
Will, everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, the one that will kick start, support and carry out the performance of your mind and body.
In the morning, we must be sure to provide our mind and body with enough of the right nutrients to generate cellular energy, handle stress, and ensure efficient work performance. Smoothie could be the answer.
Blended fruit is a terrific energizer and cleanser and I love its taste and texture. In fact, I usually start my day with a fruit smoothie. I use my smoothies as a delivery medium for superfoods and added herbs. I think of them as vitamin infusions, or what I sometimes call my ‘nutrient shot’. Here is a list of the key superfoods you can add to any of your smoothie.
Key Superfoods
Barley grass powder
Bee pollen granules
Flax seeds
Algae syrup
Spirulina powder
Wheatgrass powder
Maca powder
All these superfoods should be available at your local health food shop. Don’t use all of them at once. Just pick one or two and use them in your smoothies for one particular day, week or month and simply follow the instructions on the label for how much to use. It’s good to change your superfoods every now and again.
Smoothies are really easy to make. You can make them thick or thin, as you like- the thicker the smoothie, the more filling it will be. Play around with all kinds of combinations and find out what you like.
1-2 bananas
1 cup soy milk or pure drinking water or homemade nut milk
1-3 pitted dates as a natural sweetener
½ teaspoon of Maca powder
1table spoon Spirulina (organic)
2 table spoon ground flax seeds
1 table spoon ground almonds
2 table spoon oats

Blend everything until smooth.
Nutritional Info:
Dates provide fiber, potassium, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, Vitamin B6, iron, magnesium, and pantothenic acid. These vitamins and minerals help maintain a healthy body, metabolize carbohydrates, and maintain blood glucose levels and fatty acids for energy. They also help make hemoglobin, the red and white blood cells. Magnesium is essential for healthy bone development and energy metabolism.
Maca is great for rebuilding our adrenal glands and has reported beneficial effects for energy and sexual function due to its high concentration of proteins and vital nutrients.
Spirulina is blue-green algae which contains a rich spectrum of available proteins and is the richest source of beta-carotene and mixed carotenoids and it’s 25 times higher than raw carrots. It is nature’s richest whole food source of organic iron which is 58 times richer than raw spinach and 28 times richer than raw beef liver. And it’s nature’s richest source of vitamin E and gamma linolenic acid (GLA). It is easily digestible for rapid and long-range energy.
Almonds are rich in magnesium which is especially important for supporting adrenal function as well as the metabolism of essential fatty acids. Law levels of magnesium can be associated with nervous tension, anxiety, irritability and insomnia.
Flaxseeds high in fiber (cleans your intestines, promoting bowel regularity), and absorbs excess liquid, protecting the digestive tract; has omega-3 fatty acids and phytochemicals called lignans, which regulate hormone balance and have antioxidant properties. Also helps to reduce total blood cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels, which may help reduce the risk of heart disease.
Banana great de-stressor. Rich in mineral potassium, they’re fantastic for distressing and lowering high blood pressure.

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